• Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km 381
  • tnl@tecnal.ind.br


7th Quality Week

7th Quality Week

We close the 7th Quality Week with the feeling of mission accomplished! 

We are immensely grateful to all our collaborators for their active participation in the lectures and for contributing ideas and reflections that strengthen our commitment to excellence. A special thank you to the speakers at SENAI Ourinhos, who brought valuable knowledge and inspired us to continue seeking continuous improvement. Together, we continue building an even more promising future! 

#SemanaDaQualidade #TNLTecnal #ExcelênciaEmAção #PartnershipSENAI #QualidadeÉ NossoFoco
#CommitmentToQuality #PrideToBeTNL #ContinuousImprovement

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